Hi my name is Lukasz and I am going to type for room 101 today.Today Kennedy School has visited Washington School. We went to the gym. The chorus sang and the band played for the 4th and 5th graders. Then, each classroom got paired up with a different classroom.We went down to the Media Center first.In the Media Center we showed them the books that you can check out.Then we showed them the Art Room which is where we do all are artistic drawings and sculptures.After that we went to the Music Room to show them the keyboards.While we were giving the tour, we also showed them the Band Room in the basement.We showed them where they would play for recess. Next,we went to our room and we got something to eat and a juice to drink.We watched a Photo Story that Mrs. Cole's class made to show them all about Washington School and 4th grade. The third graders asked us some questions from the question box they created on a flip chart from the Promethean Board that we answered.Before they left, the third graders made a time capsule while Miss Gosche took their pictures. They will be sealed up until next spring when they are in our desks as 4th graders. Their teachers will give them their time capsule back so they can see what they looked like a year ago. We were able to see what we looked like last year from our time capsules. We cleaned up our snacks.The third graders had no time left so they had to leave.