Two weeks ago was Multicultural Week here at Washington School. Each year, the students in our school celebrate our many cultures as well as the many cultures of the world. This year, we went to a Polish restaurant in Chicago, The Jolly Club for lunch. We had pierogis and blintzes filled with cheese and potatoes. We learned about manners and how to eat in a nice restaurant.
We also had a Multicultural Program. Many of our classmates performed in the various dances. Some of us participated in African American music, a Readers Theater production for Pakistan and India, or a Bulgarian dance. It was fun to see all of the other students participating in various other productions. We look forward to doing it again next year as 5th graders.
This is picture of MEE!!!!!
I'm on the left side of the girls!!
This is a picture of Us!!! Cool!!!
I'm on the left side of the girls!
AWSOME!!!!!!!!!! :)
Yes, that is you Paulina! :)
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