Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Making Many Marvelous Memoirs

Hi, my name is Emily A. I am typing for our class 101 today. I hope you enjoy.

In writing, we have been working on our memoirs. A memoir a story from your life that is important to you. Memoirs are life stories that you have learned something from. For example, in Patricia Polacco's book Thunder Cake, the character got over her fear of thunder by making a cake with her grandma. She took steps to get the supplies for the thunder cakes. She didn't even notice the storm coming while she was getting all the supplies. She became brave.

So we would like to know. Have you learned a lesson from a time in your life? If so, what is it? What would your life's memoir be about? Please tell us your name and where you are from so we can see who and where our blog is reaching.


Ms. Folan said...

Hello Room 101-

Thew lesson that I learned about life is that people and relationships are important NOT things. Things will never make you happy.

Mrs. Gorzynski said...

Champions of Room 101,
Your growth as writers this year has been phenominal! You ask if I have learned a lesson from a time in my life. Actually, I too took a lesson from a book written by Patricia Polacco entitled "Thank You, Mr Falker" It is a book about a young girl's struggles to learn how to read and how a caring teacher made all the difference. It touched me and made me promise to try my best and make school a positive experience for all my students. I continue today to honor that promise. The end of the book contained a surprise that taught me a lot about trying my best and never giving up. Keep writing! Mrs Gorzynski

Anonymous said...

Hi Room 101 -

One lesson that I have learned is to take time to be with people and to cherish those times. I spend a lot of time being too busy for my family. It is important to slow down and enjoy your family.

Unknown said...

I learned the lesson that mothers always know best, at a young age. Come to room 103 to borrow a memoir I wrote about it in my young author book.

Liz said...

I have learned that even in tough times, you can find strength to get through it and come out stronger in the end!

Unknown said...

Hey there Champions! I'm a friend of Mrs. Choudhary's from Lewis. I think it's awesome that you guys are writing a blog. One thing I've learned is to try and experience as much as you can. Everything you will do in your life will shape you in some way, and you never know where you might end up! I'm going to put a link to your class blog on my own blog so my readers will come visit you as well! Enjoy the rest of the year! :)

Ms. Mullarney said...

Hi Champs!

Many times we worry about what is to come or how things will work out in the end. Don't forget to enjoy today because each day is a gift!

Amie B. said...

Hello Room 101!

My name is Mrs. Burgess and I live in Romeoville. I am Mrs. Choudhary's neighbor. I think it is wonderful that you are learning about memoirs. What you do now will shape you into who you become as an adult as I am sure you all know!

The biggest lesson that I learned as a child is to treat others as you would want to be treated! To often we are worried about what our friends will think if we talk to the not so popular kid or ask the kid that is not so good at a sport to play and be on our team. I know it is easier said than done; but if we start with ourselves, and look within and treat our peers with respect and dignity it will come back tenfold (even if it is not right at that moment)!

One other lesson I learned is to appreciate your loved ones and tell them how you feel everyday. When I received my driver’s license after church every Sunday I went to visit my grandparents. We talked and my Nina (the name I gave my grandma as a child) would make me an egg sandwich for breakfast. When I finished I would drive her to bingo. Yes, taking her to bingo was not on my way home; but I was able to have some great conversations with her. She and my Popa have now passed away, but these are the memories that I remember, not what they bought me for Christmas or how often they gave me money. It was taking Nina to bingo and getting dilly bars from Dairy Queen with Popa.

Good Luck and remember to treat each other well!

Amie Burgess

Miss Czosek said...

Room 101,

The lesson I have learned is to never change yourself to be what you think others want you to be. If you change who you are or what you look like to make others happy, you will end up being unhappy. Be true to yourself no matter what!

Mrs. Choudhary said...

Thank you everyone for writing to us about lessons you have learned. We are enjoying the memoir stories! Mrs. Burgess, we really talked about your story about Nina and Popa. We can relate to that in our own way. We liked how you used details in your story.

Amie B. said...

Hi, Room 101!

No I am not a teacher or a writer although I am going back to school to be a teacher :)

I am glad you were able to have a conversation about Nina and Popa and that you understood and could relate in your own way. I have so many stories that I could share with you about them and how they have influenced my life. Now that summer is coming it brings back many memories of my brother and me staying at their house while my parents worked. (Only 5 days left, but who is counting?)

As I stated earlier, my brother and I would go over to Nina and Popa's house everyday and sometimes we would even spend the night during the week while my parents worked. Oftentimes, Popa would get out the riding lawnmowers and Tommy (my brother) and I would have races. It was so much fun! The not so fun part was the yard work. We would help cut down the branches on the side of the house or weed the garden; but it was always worth it when we received our payment! Popa gave us Dilly Bars from Dairy Queen, a crunch cone from the corner ice cream shop or a Wutchamacallit candy bar, (I am not sure if I spelled that correctly).

One thing I would recommend when you get older is write down your thoughts and special memories for your kids. I am glad I was able to help you because you in turn have helped me remember some wonderful memories and I too am going to start my own memoir for my children. That way they too can share in the experiences that I had as a child and hopefully know Nina and Popa through my memoir enough to pass on the stories to their children.

Thank You Champions and have a GREAT summer!

Mrs. Amie Burgess